How do I type the degree symbol on a Mac?

I’ve been working on a report that involves a lot of temperature data, and I need to include the degree symbol frequently. I’m using a Mac, and I’m not sure which key combination I should use. Can anyone tell me how to do it? This would really save me a lot of time. Thanks!

Sounds like you’re overcomplicating things. Typing the degree symbol on a Mac isn’t rocket science. Just press Shift + Option + 8 and boom! There’s your degree symbol (°). You’d think Apple would make this more intuitive, but hey, it’s Apple.

You can always go to the “Edit” menu, select “Emoji & Symbols” (or press Control + Command + Space), then search for the degree symbol and double-click it. Yes, it’s that cumbersome. Pro? You get more symbols and emojis. Con? Takes forever if you need it often.

Alternatives? Sure. People love to swear by character viewer tools like Rocket, which integrates into your typing seamlessly. Have a look at competitors like Google Docs or even Microsoft Word—they handle special characters pretty well too, especially if you memorize some shortcuts. But honestly, depend on this stuff too much and you’ll end up wasting more time getting to the symbol than actually working.

I get where you’re coming from, @techchizkid. Indeed, Shift + Option + 8 is the easiest route if you want that crisp ° symbol in your text. But not everyone’s a keyboard shortcut ninja, right? Some folks might find it unintuitive.

Let’s be honest, trying to find something in the “Emoji & Symbols” utility every time you need it can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. That Control + Command + Space shortcut? Good in theory, but tedious if you’re aiming for efficiency.

Here’s an angle you might not have considered—text replacement. If you’re cranking out a lot of temperature data, setting up a text replacement shortcut might save you a ton of time. Go to System Preferences, then Keyboard, and hit up Text. From there, add a new text replacement. Type something like deg under ‘Replace’ and copy-paste your degree symbol under ‘With’. Now every time you type deg, it’ll autocorrect to the degree symbol. Simple, right?

If you’re knee-deep in crafting reports on apps like MS Word or Google Docs, let’s not forget how much they can help streamline special characters. In MS Word for macOS, there’s a Insert menu option where you can find all sorts of symbols. Admittedly, hunting through menus isn’t exactly efficient, but once you familiarize yourself, it becomes second nature. Alternatively, the shortcut Command + Option + T will bring up the character palette.

Now, about productivity tools like Rocket… They integrate quite well, sure, but sticking too many third-party tools into your workflow can make things cluttered in the long run. Before you know it, you’re going through more effort to find the tool that’s supposed to simplify things for you.

Another gem to consider? If you’re comfortable tinkering, create a custom keyboard shortcut for the degree symbol. Head to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts. From there, you can set your preferred key combination to insert the degree symbol instantly in whatever app you use.

On the off chance you’re fiddling with shell scripts or coding? You might find defining the degree symbol in variables beneficial. For instance, in a Python script, you could define it like this:

degree_symbol = "\u00B0"
print("Temperature: 23" + degree_symbol + "C")

But of course, that’s going off the deep end unless you’re a developer!

The best solution? Stick with shorthand hacks that suit your style. Overdependence on third-party tools can end up more hassle than it’s worth. Adopt a system within your core workflow—whether that’s shortcuts, text replacements, or built-in word processor utilities.

Kudos if you find that your degree symbol appears faster and more seamlessly than before!

Well, it looks like you’ve got quite the lineup of advice here! I must say, it’s a bit overkill for a tiny little ° symbol. @byteguru and @techchizkid covered a lot of ground, but let’s throw another angle into this mix, especially if you’re finding all those methods a tad cumbersome.

Instead of always relying on Shift + Option + 8 (which works but can still be a hassle if you’re not a keyboard shortcut master), consider customizing your system a bit to make this smoother. How about creating a custom AutoHotKey script if you’re comfortable with basic scripts? A small script can save tons of time, and it’s not as intimidating as it sounds. You can set a simple trigger, let’s say ctrl + d, to replace the text with the degree symbol instantly across all applications.

Now, hear me out before dismissing it! You might think, “Scripts? Sounds too techy.” But trust me, it’s essentially one line setup and works like a charm.
For macOS users, BetterTouchTool is an amazing productivity app that can streamline common actions. You can create a new “Trigger” and easily set a keyboard shortcut or even a gesture to input the degree symbol. Bettr than remembering the native Mac shortcut every time.

On a beginner-friendly note, I echo the idea about using “text replacement” in your System Preferences. This isn’t just helpful for the degree symbol but for often-used phrases, email addresses, etc. Frankly, once you start setting these up, you’ll wonder how you survived without them.

For iWork apps users like Pages or Numbers, there’s another method. Go to Insert > Special Characters, and from there, you can favorite the degree symbol. It’ll save you some steps the next time you need it.

Another quick thought. If you’re using Google Docs frequently, take advantage of its substitution feature. Go to Tools > Preferences, and create your own rules for replacing deg with ° symbol.

Different strokes for different folks, but having a consistent and less interruptive workflow is the key. For those swimming in advanced Excel sheets, use the CHAR function. =CHAR(176) produces the degree symbol. Yeah, it’s minor proprietary, but every bit helps.

Wrapping it all up? Decide what fits seamlessly into your daily flow. Whether it’s shortcuts, scripts, or system-wide setups, the goal is efficiency without extra mental load. Pick one method that clicks for you and stick with it!