What's the time commitment to become a software engineer?

I’m considering a career change to software engineering and want to know the typical timeline. I’d appreciate real-world insights on the duration of education, bootcamps, or self-study needed to land a job. Any advice or experiences would be helpful.

Honestly, it feels like everyone’s trying to sell you a dream here. The truth is, the time commitment to become a software engineer is substantial if you want to do it right. Yeah, you can do a bootcamp in like 3-6 months, and some people will tell you that’s all you need. But c’mon, that’s just scratching the surface.

If you’re serious about this, expect to spend at least a year, and that’s just to get your foot in the door. A typical computer science degree takes four years. That’s for a reason. You learn not just how to code, but the theory behind it, problem-solving skills, algorithms, data structures, etc.

These bootcamps are great for getting you up and running quickly, but what they often fail to teach is the depth. Tons of people graduate from these bootcamps only to find out they need to spend another chunk of time self-studying to fill in the gaps. Ever heard of ‘‘tutorial hell’’? That’s where you’re constantly jumping from one tutorial to another but never really understanding the underlying concepts.

Self-study can work, but it’s for the few who are disciplined and already have some affinity for programming. You’ll find plenty of free resources out there, from Codecademy to FreeCodeCamp, but it can be overwhelming and easy to quit when you hit a roadblock.

If you think a bootcamp will guarantee you a job, think again. The market is flooded with bootcamp grads. Sure, you might land something, but it’ll likely be an intern or junior position, and you’ll be competing with folks who have actual degrees.

Not trying to discourage you, just saying, be prepared for a long haul if you want a solid career in software engineering. There’s no quick fix unless you’re some kind of prodigy. Choose carefully and focus equally on theory and practical experience if you want to make it in the long run.

@techchizkid makes some valid points but I’d like to add some nuance based on my personal experience and the experiences of others I’ve worked with. The journey to becoming a software engineer does indeed have a varied timeline depending on the path you choose and your prior experience.

Let’s break it down a bit more critically:

Formal Education (4 Years)

A traditional Computer Science (CS) degree gives you a comprehensive foundation, covering not just coding, but also algorithms, data structures, computer architecture, operating systems, and more. You’re getting the well-rounded knowledge that often makes it easier to adapt to different technologies and problems in a professional setting.

But here’s the kicker: not everyone needs a CS degree to become a solid software engineer. I’ve seen folks without a CS degree who have excelled, but they had to compensate by diving deep into theory and practical exercises on their own time. The key is not the degree itself, but the level of mastery and understanding you achieve.

Coding Bootcamps (3-6 Months)

Bootcamps are intense and can be very effective for some people. As @techchizkid mentioned, they often produce graduates who might feel like they’re not ready, leading to the dreaded “tutorial hell.” However, the effectiveness of a bootcamp can hinge on a few factors:

  • Curriculum: Is it focused solely on coding, or does it incorporate problem-solving, algorithms, and data structures?
  • Instructor Quality: Are the instructors experienced industry professionals?
  • Support: Does the bootcamp provide career services like mock interviews, resume reviews, and job placement assistance?

I have met people who landed roles straight out of bootcamp, but they were usually highly motivated, proactive learners who continued their education beyond the bootcamp.

Self-Study (Variable)

Self-study can be both the most flexible and the most daunting path. If you’re disciplined, self-study could be cost-effective and flexible. Resources like FreeCodeCamp, Coursera, Udemy, and MIT’s open courseware are goldmines.


  • Discipline: You must be your own manager. No one will push you to complete tasks.
  • Depth: It’s easy to skim through tutorials without understanding underlying principles.
  • Mentorship: Without guidance or someone to answer questions, progress can be slower.


  • Flexibility: You tailor your learning to your own schedule and pace.
  • Cost: Often free or significantly cheaper than formal education.

Alternative Paths: Apprenticeships and Internships

Some companies offer software engineering apprenticeships that combine the fast pace of a bootcamp with on-the-job training. This can be a middle-ground solution, offering structured learning and mentorship while you start earning a salary earlier.

Real-world Insights:

  1. T-Shaped Skills: Whether you choose a CS degree, bootcamp, or self-study, aim to build “T-shaped” skills – broad in most areas with deep knowledge in one or two.
  2. Projects/Portfolio: Work on personal projects, contribute to open-source software, or take on freelance gigs. Demonstrable experience can often speak louder than credentials.
  3. Networking: Attend meetups, join coding communities, participate in hackathons. Relationships are invaluable in job searches.

Final Thoughts

Expect to invest at least a year to feel job-ready if you’re going the non-traditional route (bootcamp/self-study). For bootcamps, that year could include the bootcamp duration plus additional study. Self-study might extend even longer depending on your pace and prior knowledge.

Understanding that the job market is competitive is crucial. A bootcamp or a set of online courses puts you in contention with many others who have similar qualifications. To truly stand out, you’ll need something extra, whether it’s a robust portfolio, specialized knowledge, or exemplary problem-solving skills.

Ultimately, think of the journey as a marathon, not a sprint. Time commitment varies, but sustained effort and continuous learning are constants for success in software engineering.

Hey, adding onto what’s already been discussed, I’d like to touch on an often overlooked part: job preparedness versus actual industry readiness. It’s one thing to be able to write code and another to thrive in a professional environment.

Degree Pros and Cons

Sure, a 4-year degree covers all the theoretical aspects deeply, and yeah, it makes you adaptable in the long run, but not everyone has the time or financial resources to dedicate four years to this endeavor. Also, some degrees can be outdated or too theoretical. You might end up knowing the theory inside and out but facing a steep learning curve when you finally land in a practical job role.

Bootcamp Realities

On bootcamps, they are great for getting your feet wet, but @byteguru and @techchizkid have nailed it – they often don’t dig deep enough. I’ve seen bootcamp grads who could whip out a full-stack app but struggled with algorithmic challenges during interviews. Whether you’ll need extra months of self-study post-bootcamp highly depends on the individual effort and the bootcamp’s quality.

Self-Study: A Mixed Bag

Self-study can definitely work. However, it’s very easy to get lost or demoralized, especially when you hit challenging subjects like concurrency or data structures. I’m not saying free resources aren’t valuable, but there’s a lot less structure. One successful route I’ve seen is combining self-study with a part-time job or internship in tech. Real-world experience can be a game-changer.

Insight from Real-World Cases:

  1. Learning while doing: I know folks who jumped into entry-level IT roles, and learned on the job while gradually moving towards software roles. Didn’t pay much initially, but it was a practical and paid learning path.
  2. Hybrid Approach: Consider doing a shorter course at a community college combined with part-time coding bootcamps. This gives you practical, hands-on experience along with formal education.

The Practical Edge:

One piece of advice, regardless of the route: Build a portfolio. Real-world projects, whether personal or open-source contributions, can make a huge difference. This gives you a taste of using version control, collaborative coding, and other practical skills that degree courses or even bootcamps might miss.

Importance of Soft Skills:

Don’t forget soft skills. Communication, problem-solving, and the ability to work in a team are essential. Tech interviews often include behavioral questions. These soft skills can sometimes tip the scales in your favor during hiring decisions.

Given that the job market can be quite saturated with fresh bootcamp grads, specializing in a niche area like mobile development, cloud computing, or cybersecurity, could help you stand out. Often, those areas are less crowded and can offer better job prospects.

Bottom line: No matter the route you choose, expect to dedicate significant time and effort. There’s no magic bullet. Focus on deep understanding and practical skills and don’t forget to network. Your first gig might take longer to land than you’d like, but perseverance usually pays off.